We help organizations to connect with people.

We are the perfect solution to promote your cause.

Find out how we do it

We help organizations to connect with people.

It may be magic, but sure isn’t luck.

GoodProfits was born from the shared experience of a group of professionals with a long history in the world of fundraising, digital marketing and technology.

Want to know more about us?

It may be magic, but sure isn't luck.

We make technology contribute to the success of your cause.

Technology cannot be a limit for your organization. We provide you with the tools you really need, adapted to your situation and resources.

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We make technology contribute to the success of your cause.

We don’t work for clients, we make team with them.

We only know do our best in what we do. We share effort with you and we get involved in the growth of your entity.

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No trabajamos para clientes, formamos equipo con ellos.

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Cáritas Barcelona
Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
Amics de la gent gran
Fundació Esclerosi Múltiple
Generalitat de Catalunya
Fundació Kālida
Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu
Òmnium Cultural
The Ricky Rubio Foundation
Fundació Oncollliga
Fundació Llars de l'Amistat Chesire

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