At GoodProfits we believe that building an online community around an organization is essential for the success of your Inbound Marketing strategy. And as the movement is demonstrated by walking, today we present the first of our projects in this field: EM community for the “Fundació Esclerosi Múltiple”. We have developed an online community integrated […]
Blog about digital fundraising
Insights and ideas about digital fundraising for non-profit organizations.

Marketing automation for your digital fundraising
Marketing automation will help you get more out of your digital fundraising campaigns, and it will also help you save time. As a fundraising manager, you have the challenge of launching a large number of projects with a team and resources that are always limited. Why not use software to carry out marketing actions in […]

Deploying an online community on your website will help you grow
Creating an online community for your organization will help you improve donor recruitment and retention. It will allow you to turn your digital environment into a fundamental asset within your fundraising strategy because it helps you capture leads, expand your audience, and increase the feeling of belonging of your social base. An online community enhances […]

Happy Holidays!
May you enjoy this little stop along the way and the new year that begins. See you around the corner eager to learn and grow together. A hug!

What is Inbound Marketing and how to apply it in your digital fundraising strategy
Inbound Marketing. This is a concept that we have surely heard many times. But do we know what it really implies? In this article we will see what exactly Inbound Marketing is, why it is the most used methodology in digital marketing and fundraising, and the steps to follow to deploy an inbound marketing strategy […]

The fundraising funnel in digital fundraising
How many times have you heard about the Recruitment Funnel? Certainly concepts such as Customer Journey or Buyer Persona are also familiar to you… Digital fundraising is still an adaptation of digital marketing to the objectives and idiosyncrasies of a non-profit organization. Therefore, it is important to master these key concepts of digital marketing and […]

Apply the SMART method to define your digital fundraising goals
Defining objectives is one of the most important aspects when designing a digital marketing strategy. The dedication of resources, budget, channels, and many other aspects of our digital fundraising plan are subject to the objectives that we have set. But, beyond the commitment that they represent as a bet for the future, the objectives can […]

Commitment and values: the guiding principles of a digital fundraising agency
What is GoodProfits? What is it that moves us? Discover the principles that guide our work on a day-to-day basis.

9 inspiring charity video campaigns
In the Odyssey, a poet mentions that his songs were put into his heart by the gods. And Homer affirmed that the inspiration comes from a “divine breath”. His explanation is probably not true, but I like it better than Freud’s, who located the inspiration in the artist’s internal psyche, the product of an unresolved […]

How to organize productive brainstorming sessions
Brainstorming is a teamwork technique focused on enhancing creativity and innovation. Its objective is to generate a new, different approach to solve a problem or face a project. The result of this type of session is a list of ideas contributed spontaneously by the members of the group to generate an alternative line of thought. […]

Email Marketing easy and effective
With the right tools, a good knowledge and segmentation of your contact bases and a suitable content strategy, email marketing can give you many joys. But let’s go by steps.

Does my organization need a blog?
As a fundraiser, you’ve probably wondered if blogging is worth the effort. You have already perceived that doing it well requires a significant dedication of time and resources. And, if you bet on it, it will take months to see the results.

How to hire a good web developer
A web development team is much more than a graphic designer or a programmer. At the very least, are needed skills and experience in UX/UI, SEO, performance, and digital marketing.

Digital fundraising trends for 2021
Nothing better to start the year than taking stock, looking up and turning on the high beams. Global trends affect us much more than we think. Being clear about the big picture and the evolution of digital audiences will help us with our projects for the new year.