Òmnium Cultural

Digital strategy and fundraising




Òmnium Cultural


Digital Strategy, Digital Advertising and Web Development




What started as a digital advertising management service ended in an internal collaboration that spanned all aspects of the organization’s fundraising. We define the marketing strategy to increase the number of partners, donors, volunteers and supporters of the organization, and the value they bring to it.

Some of the successes achieved:

  • . Define and develop the organization’s digital marketing strategy with great results.
  • . Triple the number of affiliates in a period of 3 years. Define and implement a merchandising sales strategy.
  • . Develop a new online store and double the sales of 2019 compared to the previous year.
  • . Start a specific program for large donors and companies.


What they say about us

Cáritas Barcelona
Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
Amics de la gent gran
Fundació Esclerosi Múltiple
Generalitat de Catalunya
Fundació Kālida
Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu
Òmnium Cultural
The Ricky Rubio Foundation
Fundació Oncollliga
Fundació Llars de l'Amistat Chesire

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