Òmnium Cultural

Ecommerce development




Òmnium Cultural


Ecommerce, Merchandising, Web development




In 2018 we understood that merchandising should play a fundamental role in Òmnium Cultural’s fundraising strategy. For this reason, we deployed a project that contemplated professionalizing the entire commercial area.

An organization the size of Òmnium needs a good solution in terms of logistics, production, face-to-face sales at events, sales from local venues and, of course, online sales. We have worked on the procedures, the technology, the selection of suppliers, the definition of the team, the development of the online store. Today, Òmnium has a stable source of funds that significantly complements its fundraising strategy.



What they say about us

Cáritas Barcelona
Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
Amics de la gent gran
Fundació Esclerosi Múltiple
Generalitat de Catalunya
Fundació Kālida
Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu
Òmnium Cultural
The Ricky Rubio Foundation
Fundació Oncollliga
Fundació Llars de l'Amistat Chesire

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